Investigate 4 activity video

Friday, January 25, 2008

Investigate Three Summary

Yes, my hypothesis was correct because I thought that it was going to runoff and the rest of the water went in to the ground.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Investigate Two Summary

My group started off by getting the tub then went to get 1500 ml of sand.Next we put 500 ml of gravel.Then we poured 500 ml of humus.Then put 250 ml of clay. Then we got a rubber stopper and covered the hole in the tub.Then we went to go get the 2 litter bottle and filled the bottle up with water.Next we put the absorbent pads.One on the desk and one on the ground.Next we started mixing the sand,gravel,humus,and clay.Once it is mixed we pour the water from the bottle into the tub keep on shaking but do not squeeze then collect a sample with the 50 ml graduated cylinder and the rest in the bucket then pour the water from the bucket outside.